O2 Arena tickets

Best venue of London

Are you looking for O2 Arena tickets? Want you to share unforgettable memories with your friends? You are on the right place. Buy or sell tickets on our platform FanPass. The website is fast, easy to use and safe.

Like Wembley Stadium, the O2 Arena opened in 2007. Maybe you noticed it, but a brand put his name on the venue. It’s O2, the telecommunications company. This venue welcomes music and sports events. It is opened 200 days a year. Even in this period, the sales are amazing. More than 20.000 persons can be part of an event in the same time. Maybe you will be next! In just a year, almost 2 million tickets were sold for events in O2 Arena. That was in 2015. The statistics are even better than the Madison Square Garden or the Manchester Arena! Biggest artists performed in this arena, like Prince, Led Zeppelin or Monty Python. Access to the best music events in the UK with our platform FanPass!

Next Artist

A lot of stars like Adele, Muse and Fifth Harmony were singing in this venue. Be part of the perfect harmony between fans and stars! Do not miss these amazing opportunities! You can also sell your O2 Arena tickets on Fanpass. You will have a better visibility.

O2 Arena tickets and FanPass

The Fanpass team will verify sellers, tickets and payments! Everything is secured. We can send paper tickets via our official partner UPS. If you have bought e-tickets, we will give you a PDF file you can keep on your phone! You have a question? The best thing to do is to talk with us on our e-chat available at the bottom of the page. We will answer you as soon as possible.